Victorian Death, Mourning, & Haunted Occult Cultural History


Virginia Hall, Receiving Medal

Women History Forgot Part One

Here are three women who challenge our idea of a meek female and bear responsibility for the freedoms we enjoy today. These three women were spies operating under the noses of the enemy. They risked all for the American cause during the American Revolutionary War, the American Civil War and World War II so that our nation would rise and endure through time.

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Book Cover for Anne Braude's Radical Spirits

Radical Spirits: Spiritualism and Women’s Rights in 19th Century America

Ann Braude, Harvard Divinity School Women’s Studies professor, wrote, Radical Spirits: Spiritualism and Women’s Rights in 19th Century America, in 1991, for Beacon Publishers. The work, Radical Spirits, highlights spiritualism, and spiritualists, rise to prominence in America, with the primary focus on women’s suffrage historiography and the impacts of spiritualists themselves on equality for women.[1] Braude demonstrates time and again that key figures could affect great change, such as the Fox Sisters, Laura Cuppy, and Victoria Woodhull, who ran for president thus pressuring the American political machine to recognize women’s abilities, activism, suffrage, and rights.

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